Thursday, April 26, 2007


I have not recoveded from my trip yesterday. We had a bus load. Left the church at 8:30--it was raining--actually if was pouring. We got to Springboro at 11:00 to see La Comedia, which was showing Oklahoma. The music was beautiful, but I slept through most of the show.
The buffet was excellent. I loved the sweet potato casserole. We got home about 6:00 and went directly to the church for bible study. And another meal---lasagna and salad. I was pooped when we got home. It was a nice day anyway.
I forgot to tell you about Nancy coming to stay all night with me last Tuesday night, the 17th. We went to the Olive Garden for supper, on to church for bible study, and went to visit Steve. He had started to redecorate the kitchen. When he called me last night, he told me what he had been doing. I can hardly wait to see the results. Anyway, when Nancy and I got home, we played a game of Scrabble. It was the longest one we had ever played, thanks to Nancy trying to beat me. I did by one point. Ha. I really did enjoy her visit and hope she can come again.