Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Another Trip

October 2, 2007
I had to go to the dentist yesterday. He gave me two choices---glue the tooth back on that came out last week or have a root canal done.
I chose to have the root canal done.
I went to the dentist at 2:45 and didn't get home until 5:30.
I traveled about 20 minutes in a pouring down rain to have it done.
It is still very sore.
I have been eating soup and canned fruit.
I have to go back next Monday for him to put my mouth full of gooop. He is going to put a tooth on my partial and fix the bottom one with a new tooth. He thinks he can use the same set of partials that I have.
Anyway, the root canal cost me $595.00.
I think the work I have to have done yet, is going to cost me at least $800.00 to $1ooo.00.
Oh well, it is just money.
Steve and I went to a North Linden reunion, which was at our church, in the multi-purpose room. We didn't stay for the catered meal. Neither one of us saw anyone we knew.
So glad we didn't pay the $10.00 for each one of us. Royce, Barb, Donna Cheeseman Braidic, Linda Arthur was there helping in the kitchen. I never saw so many fat people. They made me feel pretty good. Ha.
We played cards tonight. They just left.
Until the next time I remain "The Smith Matriarch."
Love to everyone.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Trip to the dentist

Hello everyone,
I made a trip to the dentist this morning. Had to be there at 8:45. The dentist assistant cleaned my teeth. I had ask for a consultation when I made the appointment. When he came in, he found what was troubling me. The tooth that the partial hooks onto, has been deteroirating, and has a cavity underneath. I have an appointment Octoaber 1. He isn't sure if I will have to have it filled or a root canal.
So I was up at 7:00, went to the dentist, came home and did some laundry and played cards until after 10:00. Needless to say, I am really tired.
I plan to sleep in tomorrow morning.
Have to take Bobby out at 1:30.
Go to church tomorrow evening.
Maybe get some rest on Thursday. Ha.
I need to get to bed.
Love to all,
I remain .The Smith Matriarch.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Catching Up #2

Hello to everyone,
It has been a while since I wrote anything.
After reading Traci and Troy's blog, I feel so inadequate. But then,I never was one to even write a composition. I don't know how I passed English in high school. Ha.
I have been busy, as usual. Some times there just aren't enough hours in the day.
I am still driving Bobby wherever he wants to go. The newstand, the bank, CVS, and Krogers.
I got back in time to go to church for dinner and Bible Study. It was a very good lesson. We were in Acts 3 and 4. We should always be ready to speak about Jesus. It is important for us to do so.
Peter had just healed the crippled man who was sitting outside the Gate Beautiful. He asked for money and Peter told him he had none, "but what I have is better." The man immediately stood up, leaping, running to tell the others. He had been born that way--and he is forty years old. Members of the Sannhedrin could not say anything, because the crowds could see that the man had been healed.
It was a very interesting study. More in depth than I have described.
But we must be about our Father's business, ready and willing to tell the story of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. The sacrifice he made for mankind. Are you ready for His return?
I just read Traci's blog about Jonah missing his teacher and writing her a note.
He is so cute and growing up too fast.
I better sign off now. Got lots to do before I can go to bed.
I love each and every one of you

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Catching Up

Hello to everyone,
I realize I haven't been around for a while, but I have really been busy.
One of the most important things was attending our annual July Birthday Party.
It was just so much fun seeing everyone and watching all the little ones.
The food was absolutely delicious--Anna's favorite.
I baked a chocolate cake with chocolate icing for Lydia Ray to dig into. She had never had anything with sugar in it and it was so cute watching her as she finally realized it was something new.
Abby and Anna kept Jonah busy. The rest of us didn't see much of them. Ha.
We missed Troy, Ashley,Eric, Brittany, Jack and Steve's three girls.
Jon's mom and dad were there from Maryland.
Duncan and Mindy came in with a most delicious cheese cake.
After everyone left, Linda, Traci, Lydia and I went to Hobby Lobby, and you know how much I enjoy that.
The weekend before that, I was at Steve and Nita's for a cookout. There were several of their friends and Nita's side of the family there. We were all there to check out Carly's boy friend, Travis. I am sure it was a unanimous decision, saying he would make a very nice addition to the Smith clan.
The food was very delicious, as it always is, when I go to Steve's.
I am doing my usual job of taking Bobby to the store once a week and to Friendly's for dinner, maybe twice a week.
I am still playing Bingo every Friday night
Today, Royce, Barb, Virginia, Jay and I went to Grove City to have lunch with Ruth.
It was so nice seeing her again.
Eric called me yesterday to tell me their good news about the arrival of their new baby in March. That will be nine great-grandchildren. I am sure there is a possibility of having nine more. HA.
I was so pleased to hear he has a new job at Taylor University
I am hoping to see The Upland Smith's and Falder's sometime around the end of August.
I told Eric I was getting tired of seeing the animals and that he needed an update to his blog. And the said, "It's about time you are writing something."
Sooooo, that is the reason I am writing tonight. Sooooooo, Eric, it is your turn.
I'm sure my blogs are not as interesting as the the rest of you, but I do not have a digital camera.
I really do enjoy reading the rest of your blogs.
I think I better sign off now---it is almost 11:30 and time for me to settle down.
Love to all of you.
So until the next time, I remain,
The Smith Matriarch.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


I have not recoveded from my trip yesterday. We had a bus load. Left the church at 8:30--it was raining--actually if was pouring. We got to Springboro at 11:00 to see La Comedia, which was showing Oklahoma. The music was beautiful, but I slept through most of the show.
The buffet was excellent. I loved the sweet potato casserole. We got home about 6:00 and went directly to the church for bible study. And another meal---lasagna and salad. I was pooped when we got home. It was a nice day anyway.
I forgot to tell you about Nancy coming to stay all night with me last Tuesday night, the 17th. We went to the Olive Garden for supper, on to church for bible study, and went to visit Steve. He had started to redecorate the kitchen. When he called me last night, he told me what he had been doing. I can hardly wait to see the results. Anyway, when Nancy and I got home, we played a game of Scrabble. It was the longest one we had ever played, thanks to Nancy trying to beat me. I did by one point. Ha. I really did enjoy her visit and hope she can come again.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I had a wonderful Tuesday.
What is it that sparked my day?
Wendy called in the afternoon and asked me if I had anything planned for the evening. Of course, I didn't. She came about 5:30 with the girls and subs. It was a short visit, mostly because I took too long to eat. I am a slow eater.
We went outside for them to play volley ball. When we came in, Wendy wanted to do something to help me out. I didn't want her to do it---but she insisted. She cleaned my bath tub. I was so grateful, because that is the hardest thing for me to do in my apartment.
And Wendy is so sweet.
I reall did enjoy their visit and look forward to many more times like the one I had yesterday.
Thanks again Wendy, Abby and Anna.
I love you.

Monday, March 26, 2007


Well hello to everyone,
I am getting to bed earlier tonight. I am tired and haven't done a thing today.
I just finished watching the latest "blogs." I really do enjoy what the rest of you have to say.
I love the pictures that are attached. They keep me up to date on what is going on.
Goodnight from "The Matriarch.