Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hello to everyone,
I went to the doctor today. He lanced my ear drum, drained fluid off it and put a tube in.
At first he asked me if I wanted to hear right away and of course I said yes. Soooooo, he wants to do surgery on me. I asked if it would hurt and he said only a second. After it was over, he said he over exaggerates sometime.
But, wheeeeeeeee, I can hear again.
I don't hear the pounding of my pulse in the ear. What a relief. He gave me a prescription for Amoxicillin 875mg. He said that should help my sinus. And another tiny bottle of ear drops to put in twice a day.
After being in for almost three weeks, it was good to get out. It was very cold with 30-40 mile winds.
Steve was a real trooper. I know he hates to shop, so while they were filling the prescriptions, I stocked up pretty good. I really do appreciate the things he does for me. I just don't bother him unless it is absolutely necessary.
Thank goodness I can drive again. I haven't seen my car for some time now. I don't know if it is snow covered or if it will start.
Thanks for all your prayers and concerns.
I love all of you.


Eric said...

Grandma - we're so glad you can hear again...hooray!

Traci said...

You sound some much more upbeat than you did in your last blog. Good for you!

We love you.

Grandma said...

It is 3:00 in the morning on February 26. I took a nap after the Ohio State game and I'm not sleepy.
I think I have forgotten how to get to my blog site, so I'm doing this to see if it will publish.
Forgive me is this is wrong. Your mom told me I was publishing on my comment pad.